


Sole's Clothing - 4th Training Camp I

Bai Luo has just finished the college entrance examination, and a few days later, he received a notice from the municipal government asking him to participate in training service.

[Training Service Notice] Citizen Bai Luo, hello. Congratulations on completing all the educational requirements during your underage stage. Please report to the municipal square on July 1st for training service. For the 14 days before reporting, please refrain from masturbation and maintain a good daily routine. Avoid intense exercise and have a light diet. Within 12 hours before reporting, do not eat. If you are unable to abstain on your own, you can seek help from the municipal government or nearby hospitals. Please confirm the receipt of this message by clicking...

T City is a small city located on the Indian Ocean, surrounded by the sea on three sides, with mountain ranges in the north, far away from the coast. Thanks to its vast and excellent deep-water port, T City has become the best supply point for ships and an important hub for land and sea transportation. Due to the universal military service policy and the advantageous geographical location that is easy to defend, T City has also remained a paradise-like place amidst the chaotic world conflicts. Although the city-state is small, it has everything one needs and has attracted an increasing number of people from other countries who seek the right to settle here. However, the residency rights in T City are very difficult to obtain, unless it is a foreigner who has made outstanding contributions to T City, it is difficult to obtain residency rights in T City.

T City implements universal service, but it is different from the conscription in some countries. Although the municipal government of T City requires all male high school graduates to serve, they can choose between military service or training service. Military service requires strict physical examinations, and only a few students who are extremely healthy, physically fit, and have excellent physical qualities have the opportunity to enter the military camp for military service. Other male students need to go to the training camp for training service. The training service in the camp does not have the same high-intensity physical and armed training as in the military camp, but it can still transform the trainees into strong and capable men during the three years.

Although Bai Luo is tall and is pursued by many girls at school, and even many boys have confessed to him, his weight is very low and his physical fitness is not very good, far from meeting the requirements for military service. When registering for military service, he did not sign up and instead waited for the recruitment notice for training service after the college entrance examination, just like most people.

This day has finally come, Bai Luo thought to himself.

After the college entrance examination, Bai Luo often searched for various information about training service online, but after a few days, he hardly found anything useful. He only found some official propaganda materials released by the municipal government, such as "strengthening physical fitness and cultivating willpower," which were very boring. However, he saw many couple bloggers on video websites who said they met in the training camp.

Clicking on the link in the notice, Bai Luo arrived at the registration page of the training camp. After logging in with his citizen ID, a survey form popped up, requiring the applicant to fill in detailed personal information:

  1. Basic Information (cannot be modified, contact the municipal government if there are any errors)
  • Name: Bai Luo
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 18
  • Citizen ID: ...
  1. Basic Body Data (required)
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Neck length
  • Neck circumference
  • Shoulder width
  • Chest circumference
  • Waist circumference
  • Waist length
  • Hip circumference
  • Wrist circumference
  • Arm circumference
  • Thigh circumference
  • Calf circumference
  • Ankle circumference
  • Shoe size
  • Erect penis length
  • Erect penis circumference
  • Flaccid penis length
  • Flaccid penis circumference
  • Circumference of genital organ when flaccid

Bai Luo clicked on the input box and was about to enter his height when a warning popped up on the page: "Please measure accurately according to the requirements using a tape measure. The data will be used for customizing clothing and will be rechecked after entering the training camp. If there is a significant deviation in the data, the consequences will be borne by the individual. If you don't have measuring tools, you can go to any hospital to complete the measurement for free."

Bai Luo looked at the form, his face blushing. He didn't understand why he needed to provide such detailed and private data for training, and since the data would be rechecked after entering the training camp, wouldn't it be better to measure then? But since it was a regulation of the municipal government, he had no choice but to comply. Fortunately, he was at home now, so Bai Luo took off his clothes and began measuring his body data.

Clicking on the input box, the details of each item also popped up. "Measure neck circumference, please measure the dimension around the neck at the level of the Adam's apple." Bai Luo read the measurement requirements on the website carefully while measuring.

"Chest circumference, please ensure to measure the dimension around the body at the level of the nipples."

"Hip circumference, please do not wear underwear when measuring. Please measure the dimension at the highest point of the buttocks. Do not excessively tighten the buttocks or the tape measure."

"Thigh circumference, please ensure to measure the dimension at the root of the thigh."

"Shoe size, you can fill in the shoe size you have recently worn or measure the length from the big toe to the heel and fill in the corresponding shoe size according to the conversion table below."

Bai Luo's feet were size 46, with a length of nearly 30 centimeters from the toe to the heel. His feet were long and slender, and the shape was the perfect Greek foot. Moreover, Bai Luo was very satisfied with his feet. He often wore knee-high white socks and frequently applied skincare products. The skin on his feet, which was carefully cared for and rarely exposed to the sun, was particularly sensitive and fair.

"Erect penis length and circumference, please ensure that the penis is fully erect at maximum hardness when measuring. After measuring, please immediately stop masturbating and do not ejaculate. Wait for the penis to become flaccid or rinse it with cold water to make it flaccid."

Seeing this, Bai Luo felt a little shy, and his face became even redder. But he still used his right hand to hold his already slightly erect penis and quickly moved it up and down.

"Flaccid penis length, circumference, and genital organ circumference, please ensure that the penis is in the smallest flaccid state when measuring. You can use cold water to make the penis flaccid. When measuring the genital organ circumference, use a tape measure to go around the scrotum and penis, measuring the circumference at the junction of the entire lower body and torso."

Bai Luo had a strong sexual desire, and his penis, which had just been awakened, was not so easy to become flaccid. So Bai Luo decided to follow the advice in the form and went to the bathroom to pick up the showerhead and turn on the cold water, rinsing his erect flesh stem.

Bai Luo's lower body also looked good. When erect, it was nearly 17 centimeters long with a diameter of nearly 5 centimeters. Thanks to Bai Luo's fair skin, just like his name, his penis appeared exceptionally fair and tender. The erect penis tightly adhered to his slim abdomen, and the cold water washed over the glans, flowing down the penis.

After about 10 minutes of cold water rinsing, Bai Luo's penis finally became flaccid. The scrotum, stimulated by the cold water, contracted tightly, clinging between his legs, and the penis drooped downward. However, Bai Luo's flaccid penis was still nearly 10 centimeters long with a diameter of 3 centimeters.

Taking advantage of the effectiveness of the cold water, Bai Luo quickly measured the corresponding data with a tape measure. After filling in the data on the form, Bai Luo solemnly pressed the "Submit" button.

"Please ensure that all data are the most accurate measurements." After pressing the submit button, a red bold warning appeared on the page, but Bai Luo ignored it and clicked the "Submit Now" button below the page.

After clicking the "Submit Now" button, a warning popped up: "Warning again, please abstain from masturbation and ejaculation until the reporting day. It is strictly forbidden to masturbate privately. If you are worried that nocturnal emission will cause the abstinence to fail, you can seek help from the municipal government or nearby hospitals."

Bai Luo didn't think much about it and continued to click "Confirm." After the submission was completed, another notice popped up. It had to be scrolled to the bottom to proceed. During the reporting, only the citizen ID card could be brought, and no luggage, including changing clothes, could be brought.

Note: The translation provided is a direct translation and may not fully capture the nuances and cultural references of the original text.

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