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Airbag locking integrated steel foot shackles - facility update

In daily foot training and experiments, boys often struggle due to intense itching or pain. Additionally, since the training camp accommodates trainees aged 18-22, who have strong leg and foot strength, there are often cases of trainees damaging or escaping from the ankle restraints during the training process. The current wooden ankle restraints are no longer able to meet the requirements for foot training. Based on this, a brand new integrated automatic locking steel ankle restraint is now introduced. It is forged from steel and equipped with an inflatable ankle restraint system that can be controlled by a computer to inflate or deflate the airbags. When the trainee puts their foot into the ankle restraint, the operator can lock the ankle restraint through the experimental control panel or other means. At this time, the airbags inflate, binding and compressing the trainee's ankle in the ankle restraint, making it impossible to escape. When the operator deflates the airbags, the ankle restraint unlocks, allowing the trainee to withdraw their foot. Furthermore, these airbags can also be used in other areas that require restraints and can be used to lock other parts of the body.
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